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Traditional Chinese Medicine and massages.

The massage leads to a heating of the muscles and an activation of the blood circulation. It promotes muscle and nerve relaxation, lymphatic circulation, increased immune system, food assimilation and digestion, toxin elimination, vital organ function and relaxation. It can also be used to promote the elimination of lactic acid (body aches) produced during prolonged efforts.

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Tuina therapeutic massage
(TUI - 推) push, (NA - 拿) grab
This therapeutic massage practiced in China for more than 4000 years is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is practiced and taught in hospitals and universities in China but remains poorly known in the Western countries.
It is dynamic, rhythmic and promotes the circulation of vital energy (Qi) and blood throughout the body. The therapist adapts the massage to the patient with different techniques, it can tone its energy, disperse it to dissolve its stagnations or redirect it in a good way in a meridian when it is "rebellious". He also uses acupuncture points in acupressure. The organism and the mind are thus also stimulated.
Of course, you can also receive this massage in a relaxation modus or for the aches.

The goal of the masseur or therapist is to help circulate and rebalance the energies, it is a real prevention tool against all pains and health problems and support in the disease.
There are 12 main meridians. They start (or end) at the end of a finger (or toe). They have numerous tributaries, or secondary meridians, and feed their energy on the flesh, muscles, internal organs, and the whole body.

Acupuncture is like the Tuina massage one of the pillars of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. It perfectly completes the Tuina massage and enhances its effect. It is said that a 2-minute needle corresponds to 20 minutes of massage. The therapist identifies during the massage the areas to be treated as areas of tension, pain and/or uses the theoretical points for a specific purpose eg toning energy, blood, Yang, Yin, disperse energy stagnations , transform the humidity, chase the wind etc.
It is also used alone after a complete analysis.
Finally, since 2010 it has been part of UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage.

The Japanese energy treatment Reiki
(REI - 霊) spirit, (KI - 気) universal energy
Reiki is based on energy care by putting hands. It was born in Japan in 1922, its founder is the Buddhist monk Mikao Usui.

Reiki strengthens the vital energy that constitutes the human being and balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. It relaxes muscles, relieves pain, accelerates healing, soothes and increases the feeling of well-being. Just like meditation, it unifies in the here and now in harmony. Finally, it helps to be more positive, creative, open and serene.

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